Dear friends and benefactors
Apart from the extensive activities of our ashram’s everyday life we consider it to be our special task to preserve and disseminate Swami Omkarananda’s teachings to mankind.
Our tasks consist of:
Dissemination of Swami Omkarananda’s Teachings in the form of public speeches at monthly meetings, printing of books and booklets, audio CDs, etc.
Continuation of the daily activities in the temple like the reciting of Vedic hymns accompanied by Vedic fire ceremonies (havana), pujas and many more for the benefit of man and nature.
Upkeep of the whole ashram such as:
Maintenance of the temple building
Maintenance of various other buildings, and of several departments like the public kitchen, the printing department, the administrative office and many more.
For any donations you give, we thank you from our heart.
Bank details:
Verein Divine Light Zentrum
IBAN CH05 0900 0000 8400 8184 5 (PostFinance Bern)
in the name of: Divine Light Zentrum, Winterthur
IBAN DE42 7001 0080 0120 1868 01 (Postbank München)
in the name of: Divine Light Zentrum, Winterthur
Swami Omkarananda Stiftung
IBAN CH74 0900 0000 9013 7713 4 (PostFinance Bern)
in the name of: Swami Omkarananda Stiftung, Winterthur
IBAN CH51 0070 0110 0005 2640 3 (Zürcher Kantonalbank Zürich)
in the name of: Swami Omkarananda Stiftung, Winterthur