Swami Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati:
Boundless Peace and Happiness
Edited by Swamini Vidyaprakashananda
From the contents:
All creation is lit up with the light of the eternal. It needs a highly developed reason and the sensitivity of a purified heart to perceive and experience this.
There is the indestructible light in each of us, which is the eternal witness to the eternal within all time processes.
In each of us, there is the all-observing, self-observing consciousness. In each of us, there is that witnessless witness who is witnessing everything. There is nothing which does not carry the infinite and eternal in itself. All is laid in the bosom of the timeless and the eternal. The whole creation is lit up with the light of the all-creative divine consciousness, which is boundless peace and happiness.
484 pages, gebunden (hardcover)
in englischer Sprache
erschienen 2019 bei Motilal Banarsidass
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SKU: 4227-4
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