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Pearls from the sea of wisdom

An open heart, receptive to the truth, not referring to itself, finds a pearl in every sentence of this book. It's not so much about searching, but rather about finding, because reality is always there, it just has to be seen, discovered. Those who understand the art of silence, listen to themselves and lead an introspective life with a pure character, will be presented with pearls without having to search. The infinite expanse of the wonderful treasure of divine wisdom and knowledge will unfold before him like a flower opening its cup.

143 pages, bound, 2nd revised edition

Pearls from the sea of wisdom

SKU: 1063

    Omkarananda Ashram

    Anton-Graff Strasse 41

    CH-8400 Winterthur


    Telefon: +41 52 202 1903

    ©2021 by Omkarananda Ashram

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